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Image by Kateryna Hliznitsova

Reasons Adolescents Seek Therapy

The teen years are difficult ones. For some, adolescence can be more difficult. Teenagers who are having a particularly hard time sometimes choose to take advantage of therapy and find healthy ways to cope with their various troubles and circumstances. Therapy is a safe outlet for teens to address a variety of topics ranging from relationship issues to sexual identity. Some other reasons adolescents seek therapy include:


Many teens suffer from self-esteem issues which can lead to depression. Those who feel overly worried, depressed, sad, or shy can benefit from therapy because they need someone who will support and encourage them. In many cases, therapy is the first time someone really listens to them and tries to be supportive.

Substance Abuse Issues

Unfortunately, teens are prone to peer pressure and don’t always make the right decisions. Exposure to drinking and drug abuse often occurs during adolescence. Teens seek therapy to break free of the addictions and substance abuse issues that they know are harming them.

Behavior Problems

Anger, depression, low self-esteem, sadness, and learning disabilities can result in teens making unhelpful decisions and causing harm to themselves and others. Those who want to stop their destructive habits such as eating disorders, addictions, overspending, smoking, nail-biting, using drugs, and self-harm can find success in therapy.

Anxiety Disorders

Some teens get overly anxious, whether about speaking in front of a class, preparing for exams, or being confronted by a bully. Teens who are so anxious that they in some way feel stuck, seek therapy to gain the courage, peace, and confidence to overcome their fears.


School-Related Issues

The pressure to succeed in school or extracurricular activities can leave some teens burned out and overwhelmed. When teens seek out therapy, they can learn time management skills, how to prioritization and set boundaries.

School can be a challenge for some teens, whether they have a learning or attention problem, get anxious, have behavioral problems such as anger, or being bullied. Some teens also seek therapy because they struggle with self-confidence, making friends or coping with peer pressure.

Legal Problems

Teens struggle with peer pressure and self-esteem problems which can lead them to make impulsive or unhealthy decisions. Teens who get into trouble with the law are usually encouraged to attend therapy to learn and apply effective coping skills that promote improved decision-making and overall well-being.  

Low Self Esteem

Teens need to feel loved, accepted, and worth listening to. They are bombarded with peer pressure, bullying, and judgment. Therapy offers teenagers with low self-esteem a listening ear and a safe place where they feel wanted and accepted as they are.


Some adolescents have experienced traumatic events and need someone outside their friends and family to talk to about it. Teens who have experienced a traumatic event seek the safety, listening ear, and outside perspective of a therapist.


Like adults, therapy can greatly help grieving teenagers walk through it and handle it healthily. Grief can be the result of many causes such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation of parents, alcoholism or addiction of a parent, news of a chronic illness, or anything else. Some teens resort to destructive coping strategies to push through the pain. Therapy provides hurting and grieving teenagers an outlet to process their feelings and make more sense of their situations.

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